Richard Howes, Ron Anderson, Molly Anderson

Personal Injury Animal Attacks

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In any case of animal attack, a Personal Injury attorney is best suited to examine the details in order determine the possibilities of filing a lawsuit to obtain damages from injuries incurred. The laws in each state vary slightly and Personal Injury attorneys experienced in animal attacks understand the intricacies that will determine what is needed to prove negligence.

Personal Injuries

It is not only dogs that are involved in animal attacks, other animals, such as cats, birds and others, may also attack, causing injuries in which a pet owner may be liable. In addition, there are undomesticated animals, such as reptiles and large cats that can attack, causing liability for their owners.

Animal attacks bring injuries ranging from scratches to severe disfigurement as well as the possibility of rabies and other infections. Victims, particularly children, may have severe psychological damage shown in an increased fear of the animal or the situation where the attack happened. Laws regarding animal attacks differ in various areas and states. Personal Injury Attorneys experienced in animal attacks provide accurate advice for individual situations.